The EasyPower power flow analysis is designed for the analysis of three-phase power flows and voltage drops in industrial, commercial, and utility power systems. EasyPower can be used to calculate MW and MVAR flows, voltage drops, overload and voltage violations, losses and other steady state parameters. It can also be used to study system optimization, generator and transformer control, impact motor starting, and power factor correction.
EasyPower is unique in that individual bus loads, generation, and shunts can be modeled on a bus without grouping. This provides the highest degree of flexibility and modeling accuracy. Detailed transformer models provide off nominal tap ratios and load tap changers on either side of the transformer.
This section describes how to use EasyPower's power flow analysis features. It is intended to provide a procedural overview which will help you quickly become productive. It is not intended to provide a tutorial on power flow study procedures. You must be in the Power Flow focus to do the operations described here.
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